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What tools do Amazon export recommend? 8 free tools
Release time:2020-12-26 viewed:

What's a good free tool recommendation for Amazon export? Which 8 tools are recommended by Xiaobian to help Amazon export sellers? What are their respective functions? What's the help for Amazon's export sellers and foreign trade friends? Well, the next small series for you to recommend 8 independent station and foreign trade free tools


亚马逊出口有什么工具推荐 8款免费工具推荐


The tools introduced in this paper are quite various, including foreign trade tools, independent station tools, Amazon tools, including those. Let's take a look at the simple summary of the catalog first

1、 LSI keyword analysis tool (if you are interested in reading this, it means you are getting started with SEO)

2、 Google official product: find similar pages

3、 As well as the main download tools of Amazon, Taobao, eBay, and 1688

4、 Query the server or virtual space used by competing product websites

5、 New monitoring of Shopify competitive products

6、 Easy to use and convenient currency conversion tool

7、 Email reading, click, Download tracking tool

8、 Search for articles with invalid citations in Wikipedia

The following is a detailed introduction of the 8 recommended tools, hoping to help the majority of Amazon export sellers and foreign trade friends

1、 LSI keyword analysis tool

This time we introduce something that seems to have a little technical content. People who know something about SEO should know about it. No matter do Amazon, other platform or independent station, understand this skill will benefit a lot.

LSI keywords are semantically related to the main keywords. Many people think that LSI keywords are synonyms (see our recommended synonym analysis tool - tool 3). But that's not true. LSI keywords are just words that are often found together.

For example, 'Apple' and 'iTunes' are LSI keywords because they are often found together in the same article introduction. But they are not synonymous.

There are sensitive words here, I've dealt with them

We use the LSI keyword analysis tool


Try to query, such as input clothes, we see the following keywords. As you can see, these keywords are not the results of general keyword recommendation tools, nor are they synonyms of clothes.



So, what's the use of LSI keyword analysis?

1. Through the keywords you know, analyze what customers are really interested in. For example, in the United States, 7.48 million people are actually interested in Nordstrom.

2. Based on the first point, to do a good job of local seo, different countries have different habits. Identify potential opportunities, improve ranking and conversion rate.

Let's take another look lsigraph.com This tool, this tool supports 45 languages, 100000 regions.

We can see that this tool perfectly displays the search volume, CPC price and LSV of these LSI keywords, which is very helpful for finding suitable and valuable words or phrases.

If this tool is not registered, it can only be queried three times a day. After registration, the number of queries can be increased. But the free version has a lot of restrictions - you can't choose a language or a region, for example.

There is also a completely free tool to recommend, which is much weaker than isigraph, but it is still worth recommending.


The website of the tool is:



2、 Google products: find similar pages

Produced by Google, the chrome plug-in for finding similar web pages allows you to quickly browse other web pages similar to the current web pages in real time!

Let's take backlinko as an example and go to its page. Click the plug-in query, and the following similar page will appear. We found some websites with similar content.


  This tool is different from another tool for finding similar websites, called similar sites. The query results are as follows:



The tool download address is (Google plug-in): https://bit.ly/3iZgmWe

3、 As well as the main download tools of Amazon, Taobao, eBay, and 1688

In the last article, we introduced an Amazon image download tool, and a group of friends immediately recommended a better tool they developed. After using this tool Xiaobian, I feel better and more worthy of recommendation.

1. Batch download of main drawings is supported;

2. Completely free of charge;

3. No registration required;

4. It supports not only Amazon, but also Taobao, tmall, 1688, sumitong and eBay.

After installing the plug-in, open an Amazon Product page, the effect is as shown in the figure, and you can directly click "package and download"


However, this plug-in also has some disadvantages. For example, after opening the plug-in, the page is unsightly. At the same time, we don't support downloading videos. I hope the author can improve it. Ha ha, but it's tolerable.

The tool download address is (Google plug-in): https://bit.ly/3nO0klF

4、 Query the server or virtual space used by competing product websites

This is a tool for foreign trade. You can query the country and city where the opponent's site server is located. And the query site uses whose server or virtual space, which ports are open.

For example, we query the server of the famous seo blog backlinko as follows: Google cloud is used and it is placed in Dallas, USA


We are looking at a cross-border e-commerce navigation website in China. The server is in China and uses Qingyun (a relatively small cloud service provider compared with Alibaba cloud). In addition, the port of the website is much open.


However, Xiaobian test found that the tool for domestic website query is not accurate. After all, the tool hasn't been updated for a long time.

The website address of the tool is (Google plug-in is required):


5、 New tracking of Shopify competitive products

When doing shopping, you often need to pay attention to the new situation of the opponent. Is there a tool to monitor the new situation of opponents? The tools shared today are designed to address this need.

How to find a rival shop? Look here -- tool 3.

This is a chrome plug-in, very easy to use. After installing the plug-in, on any page, click the plug-in, and the following interface will appear. Enter the Shopify object you need to monitor.


If there are new products in rival stores, the plug-in will show the following small red dots:


  After clicking the monitored store website, you will directly enter the shopmonitor control panel to see the specific new products.


The tool includes a free version, which can monitor three stores at the same time. The charging version is as follows:


The disadvantage of this tool is that it doesn't support Chrome's message reminder or email reminder. The tool of this function, might as well recommend to small make up. If you can find a tool with this function, you can recommend it to Xiaobian.

The download address of the tool is (Google plug-in is required): https://bit.ly/3nJdqjY

6、 Currency conversion tools

Whether doing cross-border e-commerce or foreign trade, we often need to do some work of currency conversion. There are already many currency conversion websites on the market. But the biggest feature of the tool we want to recommend is its convenience. When you need to use it, you can click it to open the interface.

Because this is a chrome plug-in, you need Kexue to go online to download it. As a cross-border person, there are more people who don't know this basic quality than I expected, so it must be stated.

Download website: https://bit.ly/3k5pwlv


7、 Email reading, click, Download tracking tool

Foreign trade students often have two needs after sending e-mails

1. You need to know if the email has been sent and whether the other party has read it.

2. When an email is sent to several people, you need to know who read it and when.

So is there a tool to monitor these behaviors? Yes, here is a powerful Gmail plug-in mixmax.

According to my tutorial to operate, the use of the method is very simple (to tell you the truth, Xiaobian or read their tutorial to study out). First, download the plug-in in the chrome app market at:


1. After installing the plug-in, you will need to log in and register with mixmax members, and authorize mixmax to read your Gmail mail (it is recommended to carefully look at the authorization information).

2. After authorization, enter your Gmail mailbox and click Create email. The following interface will appear:

Or click the installed plug-in, or you can create a new one and send an email directly


3. Click the lightning icon next to the red button, and you will be able to track the opening of e-mail and receive chrome reminders. After sending out the email, once the customer has read your email, a chrome message reminder will appear as shown in the figure below

4. You can also go to the Outbox and find your email. Click the "lightning" icon, you will see the data statistics as shown in the figure below, which mailbox has been opened, when it was opened, where the address is, what operating system is used, etc.



Is not a good tool, this tool free version, can only track 100 mail. Tracking whether to click or download is not supported.

5. Tool download address (Google plug-in) https://bit.ly/3iLRcdu

8、 Query articles with invalid citations in Wikipedia

It's not easy to build an external chain. If you can build an external chain on Wikipedia, wouldn't you be very happy. But it's not easy to insert your own hyperlinks when you edit Wikipedia articles, and it's easy to be deleted by the editor. We need to look for opportunities - we need to look for articles with invalid citations.

Now, the tool to be introduced here is to help you find the Wikipedia articles that you are good at and quote from the invalid foreign chain.



The tool download website is: https://www.webfx.com/seo-tools/wikigrabber/

The above is the small recommended 8 free software, hope to help the majority of Amazon export sellers or foreign trade friends, of course, if there are readers have a better balance

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